Switzerland: The European Sustainable Finance Hub
Wed, 27 Sept
Our session will explore the most recent Swiss developments in regulations, standards, and guidelines toward sustainability.

Time & Location
27 Sept 2023, 12:00 – 14:00 CEST
radicant, Mühlebachstrasse 164, 8008 Zürich, Switzerland
About the Event
Switzerland has a well-established tradition of self-regulation within its financial industry. Institutions like banks and other financial service providers are subject to self-regulatory bodies and industry associations that set standards and guidelines to ensure ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations. Regarding sustainability, the government- and figures like the State Secretariat for International Finance, SIF, have become dialogue facilitators within the financial industry and third-party institutions to develop effective, sustainable regulatory frameworks. Sustainability has indeed become a priority for the government concerning the financial ecosystem.
During this in-person event, we will discuss the most recent developments in regulations, standards, and guidelines toward sustainability for the Swiss financial industry. The session will be enriched with the perspectives of our subject matter expert, Christoph Baumann CFA, Deputy Head of the Policy Planning and Strategy Division & Envoy for Sustainable Finance at the State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF), Amandine Favier, Head Sustainable Finance at WWF Switzerland, and Dr. Jan Amrit Poser, Chief Sustainable Investment Officer at radicant bank.
11:30 am – Door open
12:00 pm – Welcome by WISF and radicant bank
12:10 pm – Keynote by Christoph Baumann, SIF
12:30 pm – Panel discussion moderated by Sasha Cisar, radicant
1:00 pm – Networking
Schedule: September 27, 2023, from 12 pm to 14 pm CET
Location: radicant bank, Muhlebachstrasse 162/164, 8008 Zurich
This event is free and is organized in collaboration with radicant.